Honors in History

历史系为那些最能体现历史专业素质的学生提供在荣誉水平上进行独立研究的机会. 学生必须明白,参加荣誉课程是学生和教师顾问对时间和智力资源的认真承诺. 因此,不应该在没有仔细考虑和规划的情况下进行. 在决定是否希望攻读荣誉课程之前,学生应该咨询潜在的教师顾问.

Guidelines for the Honors Proposal

  • A student must have at least a 3.5 overall GPA and a 3.5 GPA in the history major in order to pursue an Honors project. The student must maintain these averages for the duration of the project. 

  • 学生应该在大三第二学期的荣誉预科课程中开始这个项目,一个学分的课程都可以 Directed Inquiry 或者是400级的研讨班——学生先做初步研究,然后开始确定一个主题.  在辅导课结束时,学生应该写出一篇史学论文.  强烈建议学生不要尝试在他们很少或根本不熟悉的领域进行荣誉项目.  

  • 每个学生考虑在历史荣誉工作应发送意向书的系主任在他或她的大三的3月15日. The letter should consist of a general statement of the student’s proposed topic, 学生当时已经修过或正在修的相关课程(400级研讨会或直接询问), 以及一份声明,表明哪位教员同意担任该学生的荣誉导师. 

  • The Honors proposal, due on the first day of classes in the fall semester of the student’s senior year, should consist of an essay of approximately 3,000 words (8-10 pages) describing the topic, the scope of the investigation, and salient issues raised by the existing scholarship. 文章应该明确什么是原创或创造性的主题或采取的方法. 这篇文章还应该包括一个或两个段落的主要来源的讨论,以证明该项目的可行性. 这种讨论应该尽可能详细,以展示学生对他/她正在从事的工作性质的理解,并向系里的成员证明这样的工作实际上是可能的. 

  • The proposal should conform to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (also known as “Turabian”), 并应包括注明的参考书目,列出主要和次要来源. 

  • 历史系将任命一个委员会来监督每个荣誉项目. A committee is normally comprised of three members, one who will serve as chief mentor and first reader. One member must be from outside the department.  该委员会将负责阅读提案并向部门建议批准. 

  • Keeping the committee’s recommendation in mind, 历史系全体教员将投票决定是否批准该建议,并允许该学生继续进行荣誉项目.  The Department may provide the student with suggestions, advice, 以及由学生的荣誉导师传达给学生的进一步指示.  If there is sufficient time before the deadline, 本系得要求学生修改后重新提交.  学生必须在与他或她的荣誉顾问的谈话中解决系里提出的任何问题.

  • If the Department does not vote to approve the proposal, 学生可以在一名教师的指导下,在秋季学期的历史490课程中作为独立项目进行研究.  However, this work will no longer be eligible for Honors.

  • 申请经院系批准后,学生必须提交一份申请材料 Honors Registration Form to the registrar’s office to be officially registered for Honors. A student registered for Honors will earn a minimum of eight credits, four in the Fall and four in the Spring semester of the student’s senior year. 


Students are also encouraged to consult the College Catalogue and Honors Research Guidelines.  

Guidelines for the Honors Thesis


  1. 论文应以第一手资料研究为中心,以创造性的方式进行研究. While working on the project, 学生应该在大四的每学期注册四个学分的荣誉研究(历史495-496). 
  2. 荣誉论文的预期长度为18,000至20,000字或约60页. 
  3. 历史系认为荣誉工作是365betapp下载学生能完成的最好的工作. As a minimum, 该系希望荣誉论文的质量超过在400级研讨会上获得a的水平, length, originality, and conceptual sophistication. 
  4. 荣誉论文应使用最新版本的 Chicago Manual of Style (also known as “Turabian.”) 
  5. 学生将在历史系成员面前以公开演讲的形式总结他们的发现,并将最终的书面版本提供给历史系的所有成员.  学生们也被鼓励在一年一度的本科生研究和创意活动研讨会(URCAS)上展示他们的发现。. 我们也鼓励学生将他们的作品提交给历史期刊发表. 
  6. If an Honors history student fails to produce an acceptable thesis, or if his or her overall GPA and/or history GPA falls below 3.5, the student is not eligible to complete the Honors program. 取而代之的是,学生以“定向询问”的形式完成工作,获得学分.” In this event, the thesis advisor, in consultation with the department chair, would determine how many credit hours the student earns for the Directed Inquiry. 
  7. If a student conceives a project which involves a semester of overseas study, 突发事件和后勤将由系主任酌情处理, in consultation with the Honors advisor and the student. 

revised September 2016



Junior Year - Class of 2023


Beginning of spring semester
January 12, 2022




March 15, 2022

Declaration of Intent to do Honors must be 
submitted to the department chair.



Senior Year - Class of 2022
Fall Semester 


First day of classes
(August 25, 2021)

Submit Honors Proposal to department.



End of the 15th class day
(Sept. 15, 2021)

Last date for Honors Proposal to be approved by departments.



End of the 15th class day
(Sept. 15, 2020)

Last Date for Honors Registration to be submitted to the Registrar's Office. Honors be Registration may submitted prior to final approval of project.



Senior Year - Class of 2021
Spring Semester


Date TBD

Submit thesis to committee members.



Date TBD

Submit revised thesis to committee members.



Last day of classes
(Date TBD)

Honors Project abstract must be submitted electronically to Professor Katie White, 奖学金和本科生研究主任-收据将被确认.



Due date of final grades
(Date TBD)

Final approval to graduate with Honors and final 
grade from department due in the registrar′s 
office by 9:00 a.m.



Due Date for Final Grades (Date TBD)

Final print copy of Honors Project is submitted to Dr. Katie White, Director of Fellowships and Undergraduate Research; digital copy mailed to archival box folder (to be assigned) by 5pm.